SSP Sustainability Strategy

24 May 2024

SSP Sustainability Strategy

The Group identified and analyzed the key sustainable development issues related to business operations in 2023 to ensure that it will achieve its goal of operating a sustainable business. The important issues are selected from the needs and expectations of each stakeholder group, together with key issues affecting the Group. The information used in the process comes from the analysis of both internal and external data. The internal data include information on sustainability issues from the operating model and direction of the group, and the external data includes sustainability issues of companies in the renewable energy industry, trends in sustainability issues in Thailand and abroad, and sustainability issues from the global sustainability reporting standards (GRI Standards) as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Group uses these important issues to determine strategies, policies, and procedures in responding to materiality aspects of the group's sustainability.

Strategies for driving the organization towards sustainability


Enhance sustainability
  • Enhance economic stability
  • Enhance environmental sustainability Target
  • Reduce the use of water and electricity resources by 10% by 2027.
  • Expand business in at least one new country by 2030.
  • Strive to achieve NET ZERO by 2050. Guidelines
  • Expand business both domestically and internationally
  • Create innovation to improve work efficiency.
  • Increase the green space around the power plant every year


Create Clean Energy
  • Create opportunities to access energy

  • Increase clean energy electricity production capacity over 30% by 2030

  • Build a power plant that produces clean energy
  • Comply with rules, regulations and operational standards in both social and environmental aspects
  • Support and promote innovation in the organization


Power Society and Stakeholders
  • Promote operations in accordance with the principles of corporate governance
  • Join forces with stakeholders to grow sustainably

  • Complaints regarding human rights violations = 0 every year
  • Complaints regarding violations of the code of ethics = 0 every year
  • Fraud and corruption complaints = 0 every year
  • Number of accidents occurring in the organization = 0 every year
  • Evaluate 100% of Critical Tier 1 suppliers by 2024
  • Employee satisfaction not less than 80%
  • Customer satisfaction is not less than 90% by 2027.

  • Promote business ethics together with stakeholders
  • Create a working system in compliance with safety standards
  • Support human rights
  • Strengthen communication to create perception, awareness, and understanding of the importance of clean energy
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